

Learn how to make the most of your natural beauty on one of my masterclass experience days. With over 10 years’ experience working in the industry, my personal and professional style has always been focused on enhancing the natural beauty that already exists. The masterclasses have two formats. Firstly, a full day experience in which each person has their own complete make up station to work at. I take you through the whole process step by step, starting with skin care, going through each product I use to create the perfect base, right through to eyes, lips and finishing. Lots of practical work throughout the day and plenty of opportunities to ask questions as I spend time helping each person at their station. The second masterclass format is an evening, much more demonstration based. Both masterclass formats include drinks, food and a takeaway goodie bag of make up. I update Instagram with dates & venues, or you can email for further information. does not own the rights to these images. All images have been supplied, with permission from image creator. If you would like to know the source of any image, I can direct you to the image creator. Any other images on the site may have been shared from social media sites, does not own the rights to these images.